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The 3 for 3 Rule: A Foolproof Way to Train Your Dog in Just 9 Minutes a Day

Let’s be real, as much as we adore our floofers, finding the time and energy to train them can sometimes feel like a struggle. Between work, household stuff, Furkids and/or Skinfants, or binge-watching the latest Netflix series to chill out, it’s easy to let dog training slip through the cracks. But stress not! I’ve got a solution that’s so simple, even your pup could master it (with a little positive reinforcement, of course).

Introducing the 3 for 3 Rule: a foolproof way to train your dog in just 9 minutes a day. Yes, you read that right – 9 measly minutes! And the best part? It’s games-based, so you can ditch those outdated dominance theories and boring training drills, and roll out the red carpet for force-free training.

How to get started with the 3 for 3 Rule:

1) Write down 3 training games you would like to play today. I write my games on paddle pop sticks and randomly draw 3 out of a jar every day.

2) Stock up on both low-value (e.g. kibble) and high-value (e.g. tiny pieces of chicken), pup-approved food rewards from your Fido’s daily food allowance.

3) Decide on 3 times that you will train today that will fit in with your day’s schedule.

How it works:

3 Minutes: Set a timer for 3 minutes and dedicate that time solely to training your dog. No distractions, no multitasking – just you, your pup, and a pocketful of tasty rewards from their daily food allowance. You might be waiting for your coffee to brew or waiting for the news to start – just use those few spare minutes you have to grow your dog’s skills in the right direction.

3 Times: Repeat this 3-minute training session three times throughout the day. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening. The time doesn’t matter, no need to set an alarm each day but be consistent and train 3 times a day for a maximum of 3 minutes. For those of you who have read Atomic Habits, make it a new habit to train your dog each day.

Mix it up, keep it interesting, and watch your pup’s skills soar.

The beauty of the 3 for 3 Rule lies in its simplicity and flexibility. You’re not committing to a gruelling 1-hour training session (let’s be real, who has the attention span for that? – not me, yawn). Instead, you’re breaking it down into manageable, bite-sized chunks that can fit seamlessly into your daily routine.

Stay consistent and have fun with it! Celebrating the small wins is key. I can’t even tell you how awesome it is when those small wins add up to something amazing.

Remember, dog training doesn’t have to be a bore. By breaking it down into short, manageable bursts with the 3 for 3 Rule, you’ll be amazed at how quickly Fido picks up new skills.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab that food, set that timer, and get ready to witness your dog’s transformation into a well-mannered, trick-mastering doggo superstar! Just remember, consistency is key. Even if you miss a training session JUST KEEP GOING! And if you ever need a little extra guidance or motivation, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at Little Angels Dog Training or Karen at K4Paws2Feet. We’ll have you and your Fido dancing the training game tango like pros in no time!

Game On! Let’s Play!


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